High Growth Investing
Herzlich Willkommen!
Mein Name ist Stefan Waldhauser und ich investiere seit mehr als 35 Jahren in Technologie- und Wachstumsunternehmen. Hast Du Dir auch schon mal die folgenden Fragen gestellt:
Hello. My name is Stefan Waldhauser and I have been investing in growth companies for more than 35 years. Have you ever asked yourself the following questions:
How can I successfully invest in mostly "expensive" high-growth stocks over the long term?
Do I need to know a lot about technology to find the next Google or Amazon?
How do I know if a high growth stock is too expensive?
How can I limit risks when investing in highly volatile NASDAQ stocks
Which mistakes do I absolutely have to avoid when investing in high-tech?
Due to ongoing digitization, the world of technology stocks has become what is probably the greatest investment opportunity of our time. If you want to take this opportunity to build long-term wealth with growth stocks... Then you are right here!
Who am I?
I studied business mathematics and computer science and started in the German software industry in the 1990s. After a few years of apprenticeship, I founded my own software company in 2000. I built this up for 12 years, internationalized it and then successfully sold it to Silicon Valley in 2013.
In the years that followed, I commuted back and forth a lot between my home in Germany and the USA and got to know many successful technology companies better during this time. I got a very good insight into how Silicon Valley works and what the digital transformation means for all of us.
In 2018 I turned my stock market hobby into my job and have been a full-time investor and asset manager since then. As co-founder of The Digital Leaders Fund (€150 Mio. AuM when I left in 2021) and as manager one of the most successful investable sample portfolios on the leading European social investing platform wikifolio, I have now also gained valuable experience in professional asset management.
Why this blog?
Through my many stays in the USA, I have become aware that the success of Silicon Valley is often admired and now recognized in Europe, but mostly not really understood. With a certain know-how, every private investor in the can easily participate in the gigantic added value of the tech industry.
In particular, typical German characteristics such as discipline, accuracy and tenacity helped me to achieve above-average success here. But in contrast to the USA (where many retail investors invest their money in technology stocks over the long term), hardly any investors with a long-term investment horizon invest in this area in the German-speaking countries.
The reason is probably that from our German perspective, the stocks traded on the NASDAQ appear highly speculative and risky due to their high volatility. The media often portray the technology exchanges in this way (for lack of better knowledge)...
What can I do for you?
With this blog I would like to show how you can successfully invest in technology companies and build up a fortune without taking too much risk (in the long term), as long as you can withstand high volatility in the tech stocks in your own portfolio.
On this website you will get an explanation of my high-growth investment strategy and concrete ideas for stock investments. Overall, I would like to impart all the knowledge that is necessary to operate stock picking successfully in the long term and to sustainably beat "the index".
Further questions?
Then just get in touch via Twitter (@stwboerse), Instagram (@stwboerse) or LinkedIn with me.
Enjoy reading this blog and good luck with investing